How To Make Your Money Go Further With Bulk Buying

Whatever your income, we’d all love our money to stretch just that little bit further each month. The good news is; it’s easier than you might think! We look into bulk buying to show you just how easy it can be to squeeze a few extra pounds out of your wages!

What Can You Bulk Buy?

Bulk buying has been around for ever. Shops will typically sell items, from chicken (£4 each, or 3 for £10 – ever seen this sign at your local supermarket?!), to pasta sauces, loo roll, printer ink, wallpaper…. The list goes on and on.

Most people may look at cakes on offer for ‘buy 2 – get 1 free’ and think ‘I am on a diet! I don’t want three cakes; I want one!’.

Whilst I’d agree that nobody needs 3 cakes, these subtle bargains can actually save you a tonne of money, as typically, the more you buy – the cheaper each item becomes. Bulk buying non-perishables can be a great way of saving money, as they will last. Items such as cleaning products, toiletries, and office supplies are a great place to start with your bulk buying, as most of the products will last for months (if not forever) before being deemed ‘past their best’.

With perishables, it is equally as easy to save money by bulk buying, but with a little more forward planning involved. Fresh food has a short shelf life; but with the right ingredients, can be turned into 4/ 8/ 26,000 healthy, fresh meals, ready to freeze and reheat. This saves you time cooking midweek, and ensures you are eating home cooked meals that don’t cost a fortune.

Bulk Buying

Where To Look For A Bargain?

There was a time, long ago, that all your food came from your local high street. But one day, some great person invented the internet, and we all lived happily ever after. Food can just as easily be brought online, if you know where to look.

Sites such as Muscle Food, are fast becoming a popular substitute for your local Tesco’s, with far more variety, stock, and deals available than you would usually find browsing the shelves. This, coupled with sites such as Amazon, Groupon and Ebay, are giving us a lot more options to get more bang for our buck.

It can also pay you to look in your local stores. Many of them have lowered their prices in order to compete with online shops, keep their loyal customers happy, and gain new ones. It’s also great to support local stores. Many of the smaller shops are the ones where you can genuinely find the classic British customer service, where they will go above and beyond to help keep you happy. Our local butchers sell any 5 packs of meat for £20, which beats the supermarkets hands down, and the quality of meat is top notch!

You have to speculate to accumulate, but with a sharp eye and some savvy shopping, you really can make your pound worth more! Check out your local stores, and shop about online, to find your bargain of the week! To see more great money saving ideas, why not check out our cheap garden hacks!

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