It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year – For A Fresh Start!

Christmas and New Year have both been and gone, and what a year! I don’t know about you, but I am hoping for a healthy, but most importantly happy, 2021. I’ve already spent the days between Christmas and New Year having a massive tidy up, and chuck out. I am embracing the KonMari method; If it doesn’t bring you joy, chuck it out. No ifs, buts or maybes. Just chuck it into a pile, to sell, bin or give away.

The KonMari Method

The joy of the KonMari method is that it really does encourage you to get rid of any non-essential items you don’t need. It forces you to adapt a new mindset and be brutal. A lot of people will hold onto items for sentimental value. If the item is sentimental, then it brings you joy and absolutely should not be thrown away, as it brings you joy.

However, keeping an old tattered pair of shoes, just because you had a great day out whilst wearing them; pointless. If they are now unusable, and can be of no purpose, then chuck them! You will still have the memories of the day for years to come; the actual shoes are no longer needed.

I always thought I was a fairly clutter free person; my style isn’t exactly minimalist, but I am about as far from a hoarder as you can get. If it doesn’t have a home, it gets binned, if it doesn’t serve a purpose, it gets binned. If I have no idea why I have it – you’ve guessed it, it gets binned.

So imagine my surprise when I realised I had multiple bin bags from around the house to dispose of. Some bits have been sold; I managed to get rid of a 40” TV and a chest of draws – both surplus to requirements. I also cut my wardrobe in half (complete with a few new items with the tags still on!), and plenty of books and games to give to the local charity shop.

Not only has this worked wonders for my mental health – you wouldn’t believe how good it feels to have a clear out – but also, I now have space, where there was none before.

Bag A Bargain

The beauty of it is, it’s not just me who has been giving the house a spring clean. Which means, across the country, people have been having a sort through left right and centre. Desperately trying to make space for new Christmas pressies, or just trying to start the New Year with a fresh start, literally.

This also means that this time of year is the perfect time for bargain hunting, whether it be TVs or clothes, to a lawnmower or laptop. You have space, perhaps a bit of money from some of your own sales, and you know that people will be getting rid of their old items.

Facebook is a great, hassle free way to find your items, by having a search on marketplace, as its probably the easiest and quickest way to find bargains in your area. But remember – don’t buy things just for the sake of it, or something that won’t bring you joy!

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